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How To Reuse Old Mixed Tapes | Try Crochet

27 Jul

We don’t know about you, but most of us at Green Life are products of the 90s who don’t have the heart to throw away our now defunct mixed tape collections. Besides, they’d just fill up the landfill, never rotting, always waiting.

Ever since one of our Facebook friends put up a picture of this cute little mobile phone pouch – made from audio tape, we’ve been craving to turn our favorite tapes into pouches. So we invited Ms. Rupa Gandhi of Noida, winner of our Recycling Ideas Challenge on Facebook, to write us a guest post on how we can make these things ourselves.

– The Green Life Initiative Team Continue reading

Dial For Waste Disposal | Check out our

23 Jul

Dial For Waste Disposal | Check out our post on waste management | Leave a word for us

Brimful Of Garbage

23 Jul MG Road Garbage Bin

Taking a walk down the street, for some fresh air and a glimpse of Mother Nature feels like a thing of the past in Bangalore City. Watch out for are open pot holes that look like muddy puddles (and vice versa) that can ruin your Puma shoes or your 100 rupees chappals from Commercial Street. Watch out for overflowing choked drains as well. However, the menace that takes the cake with its fragrance and beauty is the brimming dust bin.


It got there because of you and me. We started it, and we continue to nurture it. Then we complain about it.

Residential areas have their own blooming garbage zones. That’s the road we don’t take, cos it stinks! But guess what, you, me and our mothers started the stink spot. Developed countries have mammoth trucks with good garbage compressors to collect maximum amount of garbage for treatment and disposal.

Why Is Waste Management So Haphazard In India?

The garbage van takes a stroll around town, spilling stinky kitchen waste on its way and lets not forget the poor chaps who clear up the garbage on the road side. They have no gloves, safety boots or good equipment that can help them rake up the garbage, instead of using their bare hands. It’s a sorry sight. It can be changed.


You should check out the dustbins that ‘hang out’ on Brigade road, on the pavement, railings and road.

MG Road Garbage Bin

Rubbishing Responsibility

Dirty and overflowing, who would dare to flip open the lid and throw in trash? Or even walk on that side. We also have lovely people who chuck in opened half-full cola bottles, which of course leak and add to the beauty. Well, since the dust bins on Brigade Road got so pretty, they were removed. Smart move. You can’t expect people to carry around their garbage, so when no one is looking it is tossed it in a dirty corner which eventually becomes a big garbage pile.

Great landmark seriously. (“Hey, Im standing next to the garbage dump near Pecos round the corner”) We need garbage bins at regular intervals on roads (EVERYWHERE!) so folks can find each other.

To be clean, a city has to face and solve many problems which otherwise leads to unsanitary conditions and poor health. Bangalore needs some strict regulations to get clean, green and healthy. The door to door collection of garbage is big improvement in reducing the amount of waste strewn around the city, but having said that, Bangalore has a long way to go. Maybe implement some global best practices.

If you have garbage related problems, irregular garbage collection, monkey and mosquito menace and other stinking problems call these numbers to lodge a complaint:
BBMP: 080 2200031/22221188
CONTROL ROOM: 080 22660000
BWSSP: 080 22945129
080 22945240
Until we see better days, we need to Swalpa Adjust. (Don’t stop walking though)
Go green.